Thursday, February 7, 2008

Godzilla vs Sweet and Sour Chicken


NW Nature Nut said...

Amazing how you came across that Sweet and Sour Chicken in a wetlands....

NW Nature Nut said...

I wonder if YBF likes Sweet and Sour Chicken...I bet we find out soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Goddie....
I see you're indulging in a plate of something both deep-fried AND drenched in MSG and sodium. Didn't we talk about this already? The swollen ankles? The headaches? Killer pimples?? I need you healthy for the Big Day, and beyond...
Speaking of which, will there be a formal proposal in the not-too-distant future? I'm willing to wait, but if we're to adopt a Japanese baby together (don't toy with me this way, Goddie. YOU said it. You know you did.) don't you think we should get going on that fairly soon??
I mean, even though it's not a biological child, my timeclock IS ticking and I don't want to be sitting in Kindergarten plays and sending my kid off to Prom when I'm wrapped in Depends. You know what I'm saying?
Patience is most certainly a virtue, Goddie, but I never said it was mine.
Oh, I guess I HAVE veered off the subject a little...just stay away from S & S Chicken, would ya? Most of your habits are achingly adorable, but seriously, Goddie-kins, let's curb this one. I care. More than you'll ever know....

Big Green Guy said...

OK, first of all the restaurant prides itself on not using MSG. I am very health conscious due to a family history of high blood pressure. So give me some credit, k? Deep fried treat once in a blue moon not OK with you? Whatta buzzkill. I mean, what will you think when I stomp on the building you live in? Djever think about that, YBF? What does that even stand for....Your Biggest Freak? You Barf Far? Yreka Bakery Fanclub? Yabba Babba Foo?

Anonymous said...

Ooohhhhh, Goddie.....I LOVE it when you talk baby-talk....just try to tap that itty-bitty walnut of yours and think real hard (I know you can) about what "YBF" MIGHT actually stand for.
'Cause I am.
'Cause it's true.
As for your harshness, I am NOT a "buzzkill" and I resent the implication, Goddie. I CARE. Deep-fried food will knock your BP out of the freakin' BALLPARK, God, sometimes you ARE a total walnut-brain, aren't you??
But I love that about you. This stupidity thing is starting to grow on me.
Oh, and hey: back off my building. Stomping is such a rageaholic manifestation. Can't you deal with your feelings PRODUCTIVELY?
Love you. Mean it.
YBF (figure it out).